Microtunnelling it a pit-to-pit installation method

Completing a successful microtunnel: tips for head contractors and project owners

Precision microtunnelling works can be demanding, and often a number of challenges must be met in the course of a project. More often than not, unexpected challenges relate to the prevailing ground conditions. In order for the project to be successful, the microtunnelling contractor involved must have the necessary capabilities to deal with the requirements of the work and the job site. The most important thing to consider before undertaking any precision microtunnelling project is the prevailing ground conditions at the project site. The more the project owner, contractor and subcontractor know about the ground conditions, the less likely that...

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Vermeer AXIS laser guided boring systems

What is the AXIS guided boring system?

The Vermeer AXIS guided boring system is a pit-launched trenchless installation method designed to achieve pinpoint, on-grade accuracy while eliminating some of the difficult steps associated with other installation techniques. A wide range of product pipe, sizing specifications, and other jobsite requirements can be met with the versatile capabilities of the AXIS system. The system gives on-grade accuracy and high efficiency, while minimizing restoration and installation costs. These characteristics have seen the AXIS system used on many a jobsite around the world in the past five years, and the system has developed a reputation for getting the job done, every...

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Microtunnelling in Queensland

Best practice for microtunnelling subcontractors

Microtunnelling projects are frequently complicated. No matter how much you, or the project owner, think you know about a job site, there is always a chance of running into unexpected ground conditions or foreign objects may lie hidden underground. A microtunnelling subcontractor must be prepared to deal with unforeseen circumstances and have a backup plan if things go wrong. Quitting when things get tough is not an option for anyone who intends to remain in this field for long. Thankfully, there are a number of steps that microtunnelling subcontractors can take to ensure that, regardless of unforeseen circumstances, they go...

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Microtunnelling project in Portland, US

What are the most important factors to consider before commencing any microtunnelling job?

Before you begin any microtunnelling job, there are several critical factors to consider, according to microtunnelling expert and Vermeer AXIS inventor Stuart Harrison. Understanding the prevailing ground conditions is paramount in getting successful outcomes from microtunnelling. Your findings in regard to the prevailing ground conditions will then also go a long way to determining the type of pipe to be installed, and the length of the line. The equipment to be utilised will also be somewhat determined by the geotechnical information provided. Because the ground conditions are such a critical aspect of any microtunnelling job, before appointing a microtunnelling contractor,...

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Vermeer AXIS has a number of safety features

Key-hole pipelining to Melbourne’s heart

As part of the regeneration of Melbourne’s Victoria Harbour, one of the most prestigious waterfront developments being undertaken in Australia, microtunnelling contractors Edge Underground has performed minimally invasive key-hole pipelining to install a new gravity sewer. Project Overview Excavation contractor: Jayelle Pipelines Microtunnelling contractor: Edge Underground Pipe supplier: HOBAS, OD427 mm pipe Melbourne’s Victoria Harbour is receiving a new, integrated precinct that includes housing and commercial buildings. The partnership owners of the project will be delivering ‘Dock Square’ – a new civic hub and community centre. With the development of new high-rise buildings and apartments comes the need for new associated water and...

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A team of expert microtunnelling contractors

Who does Edge Underground work for?

Edge Underground completes the majority of its work in Australia, and regularly travels to all states and territories to quote on and complete jobs. Edge Underground’s primary market is the trenchless installation of gravity sewer mains in virtually all ground conditions with nearly any pipe, completing absolute precision installations ranging in diameters from 100 to 900mm. Edge Underground has also completed a range of installations internationally and regularly quotes on jobs around the globe.

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Pipeline installation using microtunnelling

Tough Tunnelling

Microtunnelling contractor Edge Underground recently completed a job in difficult terrain in Officer, Victoria The location of Officer, Victoria is renowned as being treacherous for boring contractors, with many complicated ventures undertaken over the past few years. The combination of ground conditions makes this area particularly difficult; for the most part the ground is a dense, compact clay formation that can be of high plasticity. However, as you go deeper the ground changes and becomes silty and sandy with some isolated rock outcrops. In addition to this, the water table is high. Contractor Delplant knew this area well and to...

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